Halloween Bash 2021

We watched Hocus Pocus, Goosebumps, and Beetlejuice! Prizes were awarded in between, and sometimes during movies!

- Trick or Treat 1st place: 100,000 BCP and $20 Amazon Gift Card was won by MJ94 (aka thriller)!
- Trick or Treat 2nd place: 50,000 BCP was won by AJ!
- Trick or Treat 3rd place: 25,000 BCP was won by Ratdotexe!
- $25 Amazon Gift Card (donated by Nathan) was won by Connor!
- $10 Amazon Gift Card (donated by BetaChat Babes) was won by megu!
- $5 Amazon Gift Card (donated by BetaChat Babes) was won by Matt!
- $5 Amazon Gift Card (donated by BetaChat Babes) was won by Ben!
- 100 BCP was won by banannie!
- 500 BCP was won by Connor!
- 5,000 BCP was won by Matt!
- 5,000 BCP was won by Annie!
- 5,000 BCP was won by AJ!
- 20,000 BCP was won by Ratdotexe!
- 25,000 BCP was won by Harleigh!
- 26,000 BCP was won by Ben!

Trick or Treat!
Trick'cord Treat was a hit last year! This year, we rolled out an entirely new Trick or Treat system integrated with BCOM. Thanks to Noah and Matt for putting together and coding the new system!
Some changes to the system included the introduction of teams, the use of a drop down and selecting an item to give to trick or treaters, and the occasional award of BCP from satisfied trick or treaters!
The winning team was Team Forever Box - whom gets all the bragging rights!
Trick or Treat Top 5
- MJ94 (aka thriller) - 72
- aj - 71
- ratdotexe - 69
- nortoh - 61
- Noah - 56