Christmas Eve Party 2024

Christmas Eve Party 2024

BetaChat's 14th annual Christmas Eve Party was a blast! Members exchanged over $1,000 in gifts, enjoyed festive Christmas movies, and participated in engaging games and other fun activities.

A Discord stage was used for the live stream and member interaction this year.

Scavenger Hunt

A whopping 53 scavenger hunt secret codes were hidden by the staff team all around the community & live stream for members to claim for lots of BCP this year!

A secret code cleverly hidden by staff in Logan's server roles, found by Zach!

Live Code Hunt

During the event live stream this year, we did a Live Code Hunt! Series of various codes were hidden on screen to decipher in real time! Only two of four codes were found and redeemed.

Live Code Hunt stream snapshot, featuring one of the codes that was never claimed.


Our annual Giftaway event brought the spirit of generosity to life once again! This year, 11 community members participated, contributing 13 fantastic prizes that were given away during our live stream.

Thanks to the incredible support of our year-round Supporters, who pledge $5/month, we were also able to present an exciting grand prize: a brand-new M4 Mac mini to one very lucky winner!

The evening concluded with a thrilling and competitive full-board bingo game, where Alicia emerged victorious, taking home the grand prize—a brand-new Mac Mini M4. Congratulations, Alicia!

Throughout the live stream, a variety of exciting prizes found new homes:

Bingo Wins:

Bingo #1: Christian’s $25 Amazon, won by AJ

Bingo #2: Tim’s $100 Amazon, won by Melissa

Bingo #3: AJ’s $150 Asus ROG Keyboard, won by MJ

Bingo #4 (Grand Prize): Supporters’ Mac Mini M4 w/10GbE, won by Alicia


• Melissa’s $50 Amazon, won by RJ

• AJ’s $50 Amazon, won by Matt

• Annie’s $50 Amazon, won by Nick

• RJ’s $50 Amazon, won by Christian

• Nolan’s $50 Amazon, won by Melissa

• Noah’s $50 Amazon, won by AJ

• Connor’s $50 Amazon, won by Ben

Special Challenges:

• Nathan’s $25 Amazon (Pineapple Spam), won by Zach

• Keith’s $30 Amazon (Live Code Hunt), won by Zach

• Christian’s Portable Charger (Names In a Hat), won by Ben

Chat Wins:

• Melissa's year of Discord Nitro, won by Chris

• Keith’s Nitro gifts, won by Nathan and Zach

• Nathan’s $10 Amazon (Guess Son’s Favorite Dinner), won by Noah

• Ben’s Nitro gift, won by Keith

• Nathan’s $10 Amazon (Guess Number of Gifts Under His Tree), won by MJ

AJ's Wireless Mechanical Keyboard gift.

Bingo & Pick-A-Prize

A screenshot of the Bingo game for the final prize, at the moment Alicia won.
Members choosing presents to open in Pick-A-Prize (better name pending).


Movies watched this year included The Polar Express, Die Hard, Bad Santa, Carry On, Home Alone, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

This year's live stream setup.
This year's new LoFi scene, featuring a chilly winter night with a cozy animated campfire and LoFi music.