Welcome to the BetaChat Blog!

Welcome to the new blog platform for BetaChat Community members! Read member-written stories, tech news, community happenings, how-tos, coding, music, etc. We call it The BetaChat Banter.

Yeah, you're probably saying "A blog? Wtf?" Some of us thought it would be a fun idea so we did a poll:

If you're interested in becoming an author, it's crazy easy. There's even a desktop app. Posts don't have to be anything formal or long, as long as the content is interesting to other members and is not offensive, advertising, self-promoting, political, or hateful. Just contact noah to get set up.

I'm still putting the finishing touches on the site and logo - so hang in there if you don't like it.

Have fun!

P.S. Subscribe below to get new posts delivered via email someday.