Christmas Eve Party 2019
- 1st game – @mj won regular Bingo! ($50 Amazon Gift Card from @sheldon)
- 2nd game – @ratdotexe won four-corners Bingo! ($50 Amazon Gift Card from @tim)
- 3rd game - @CaptainJohnnyK won full-board Bingo! ($50 Amazon Gift Card from @Noah)
Other Prizes
- $25 Amazon Gift Card (@aj) was won by @Taylor
- $15 Google Play Gift Card (@Punicearana) was won by
@taylor@aj - 1 Month Discord Nitro (@Noah) was won by @jasperdett
- 1 Month Discord Nitro (@sheldon) was won by
@noah@sheldon@ratdotexe - $20 Amazon Gift Card (@CrAsHDoWn) was won by @BenSanders
- $25 Best Buy Gift Card (@Taylor) was won by @mj (it was rigged with good reason)
- $15 Amazon Gift Card (@matt) was won by @mj
(crossed offmeans they passed the prize to another winner)
Star light, star bright, is this code active tonight? KMUTTEJ3QRYV
Pet Pics Contest
- @aj won first place with his cat Amika (official BetaCat™, surprise surprise)
- @CaptainJohnnyK and @matt tied second place with their dogs Disney and Theo
(photos in newsletter)
Holiday Newsletter
BetaChat 2019 Holiday Newsletter
BetaChat 2019 Holiday Newsletter - Additional Promo Codes